Sunday, July 26, 2009

Too Many Cubes? Here's the Solution

I've been told that some of you already own 5, 6 or even more Cubes and are a little bit helpless how to manage them... Here's a pretty nice and cool solution to that issue! Check out the Cube Rack Kickelhahn that is now available in the Cube Shop for a fair price. It can take 16 Cubes, I hope this is sufficient for the moment?!? You can even customize your own rack by choosing one of ten colors, and one of four base plates. Additionally a couple of spacers may be choosen.


Monday, July 13, 2009

13 Q's for Flamme

With her pretty QBot hoax picture, selected as Cube Pic of the Week, Flamme finally got the 13th Q! Congratulations, little girl!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Janina reached 26 Q's

Actually she skipped the 26 Q level with a huge jump as she received 5 Q's for releasing her own BuddyCube edition, which BTW is a nice one!

Congratulations, Janina! You are the 3rd person on this planet who made it onto the second stage! Where/when is the party?!


Friday, July 10, 2009

One Click - Many Pictures

Wanna see all pix ever made with a certain Cube (Edition) by just one mouse click? This is now easy possible by a new feature of the CubeMap. Just check it out. Hope you like it the same way as I do!
Note, not all pix on PhotoBucket have been tagged until now. This is work in progress...


Monday, July 6, 2009

The Swap Market is Open!

Have a look at this initial implementation of a Cube Swap Market. It's made in an easy way but does the job for now. Currently, 1:1 Cube swaps are supported. If time goes on, maybe, we'll add some JavaScript gimmicks. For the time being use it as is, hope you like it.



Sunday, July 5, 2009


Welcome to the CI-CUBE Community Blog! I did re-organize the things a little bit. So the former Blog on myspace is now replaced by this one.

This Blog does focus on general Community issues, while the RSS Feed on is dedicated to more or less detailed things like Votings, Contests and so on in the context of PictoCubing, GeoCubing, etc.

So once again, Welcome, Folks! Have Fun with the Cubic Project!
