Monday, December 21, 2009

26 Q's for Ningura

The subject says it all... 26 Q's for Ningura! Thank you for your nice contributions! (EB)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Most Wanted: Campus Pix

You are a lucky owner of a Cube of the Edition CIC8? What about sending us pictures showing this Cube at one of the seven computer science faculties that are members of the eCAMPUS Thueringen project? See the Gallery at the right side... This activity is limited to Cube CIC8 only. (EB)

Monday, November 9, 2009

500 Cubes!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Fasten your Seat Belts!

we just hit the 500 Cubes Level! One of the ten pieces shown at the right side is the lucky one! BTW, this is SiempreLoca's BuddyCube Edition... (EB)

Monday, October 26, 2009

CIC3.0.2 - The 39 Q's Award

Finally, Folks, we proudly present the 39 Q's Award Cube! The Cube is kindly co-sponsored by hotvisions. Needless to say thay I really love that one - as it's black and white, dark and looking dangerous. Not sure if I will ever reach 39 Q's but I'll try... (EB)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Voting Reloaded

For a long time Voting in the Cube context was way too cumbersome, not even the chance to win something in the PromoCubing did motivate a lot for voting... Now we proudly present a new technology for the Votings! Check it out! I guess you'll love it! Make sure that or are enabled for popups. To vote again, maybe because of a blocked popup, just reload the page. (Ekki)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Paaarty Time!

Some people came together for a small yet int'l Cube Party at Sep. 19. Too bad for those who missed the event for whatever reason, as it was a great pleasure. May be see ya next time. For the time being have a look into the PartyCubing album...


Saturday, August 22, 2009

26 Q's for RobertHogan

RobertHogan, the first person on Earth who reached 13 Q's, today jumped to the next level! Congratulations!

He's famous for a lot of very nice pictures, both real photos and montages. One of them you see at the right side - the famous green-eyed cat.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

QBot's Lesson on Perspective

QBot has his own Blog but he wants to share his wisdom with us: 'Closer objects look bigger than distant ones'... Yessir! No, wait a minute, I mean Yes that's true but those Racks differ in size!!

Actually, Folks, we proudly provide a 3x3 and even a 2x2 version of the Kickelhahn Rack! So the 4x4 is probably for the hard-core collectors, the 3x3 is nice for beginners and intermediates and the 2x2... hmmm, I don't know... but it's so sweeet... maybe for you well-beloved Cubes?!

What you say, the 4x4 is still too small?! We currently think about an asymmetric 5x5 and a 6x6 version! So stay tuned...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

26 Q's for Rainman

The subject says it all... Congratulations, Rainman!
Rainman is the co-moderator of the TrabiCubing Community Section and--you may guess it-a car maniac, especially East-German ones. In the context of his forum he released already three Cube editions...

Once again, Congratz!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Best of TrabiCubing Album #1

Frankenstein's picture TC8 is the winner of the first TrabiCubing Voting. The pic shows a model car built by Frankenstein himself representing authentically his original car. For the voting we got 45 votes from the members of the Pappenforum community. At the end of the day, TC8 was a very clear winner of the game! Congratulations, Frankenstein!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Too Many Cubes? Here's the Solution

I've been told that some of you already own 5, 6 or even more Cubes and are a little bit helpless how to manage them... Here's a pretty nice and cool solution to that issue! Check out the Cube Rack Kickelhahn that is now available in the Cube Shop for a fair price. It can take 16 Cubes, I hope this is sufficient for the moment?!? You can even customize your own rack by choosing one of ten colors, and one of four base plates. Additionally a couple of spacers may be choosen.


Monday, July 13, 2009

13 Q's for Flamme

With her pretty QBot hoax picture, selected as Cube Pic of the Week, Flamme finally got the 13th Q! Congratulations, little girl!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Janina reached 26 Q's

Actually she skipped the 26 Q level with a huge jump as she received 5 Q's for releasing her own BuddyCube edition, which BTW is a nice one!

Congratulations, Janina! You are the 3rd person on this planet who made it onto the second stage! Where/when is the party?!


Friday, July 10, 2009

One Click - Many Pictures

Wanna see all pix ever made with a certain Cube (Edition) by just one mouse click? This is now easy possible by a new feature of the CubeMap. Just check it out. Hope you like it the same way as I do!
Note, not all pix on PhotoBucket have been tagged until now. This is work in progress...


Monday, July 6, 2009

The Swap Market is Open!

Have a look at this initial implementation of a Cube Swap Market. It's made in an easy way but does the job for now. Currently, 1:1 Cube swaps are supported. If time goes on, maybe, we'll add some JavaScript gimmicks. For the time being use it as is, hope you like it.



Sunday, July 5, 2009


Welcome to the CI-CUBE Community Blog! I did re-organize the things a little bit. So the former Blog on myspace is now replaced by this one.

This Blog does focus on general Community issues, while the RSS Feed on is dedicated to more or less detailed things like Votings, Contests and so on in the context of PictoCubing, GeoCubing, etc.

So once again, Welcome, Folks! Have Fun with the Cubic Project!
